Retained by Air America to announce and build anticipation for the launch of this new radio network.
Print coverage resulting from our media campaign included a New York Times Magazine cover story, major features in The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Associated Press and dozens of other top print outlets around the world.
DKC arranged appearances for the staff and talent of the network on almost every major electronic outlet, from “Late Show with David Letterman,” “Tonight Show,” and “Daily Show,” to “Good Morning America,” “CBS Sunday Morning,” and CNN's “American Morning”.
Media coverage, called "staggering" and "historic" by Advertising Age, included a package deal with NBC on launch day with live spots on the “Today Show,” MSNBC, CNBC's “Power Lunch” and NBC “Nightly News,” among others.
“I've never seen any medium get more attention than liberal talk radio....There's been more written about liberal talk radio than I've had in my entire career, and I began in 1987.“ Conservative talk show host Sean Hannity (Washington Post, 6/13/05).